How to Groom a Dog at Home?

What Not to Do

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  • Human hygiene and beauty products such as conditioner, shampoo, and tooth paste cannot be used on your dog, because many of those products contain toxic and lethal elements to dogs.
  • If you learned how to cut your dog’s nails feel free to do so with the right clippers or using a rotary trimmer, but keep in mind to have access to the essential products for stopping bleeding. Remember cutting your dog’s nails too short can cause them discomfort, pain and bleeding.
  • Do not try to treat any injuries, lacerations, sores, or wounds of any kind, instead schedule an appointment with your veterinarian or call for consult.
  • Shaving and clipping your dog’s hair needs experience especially when sensitive areas are concerned, so do not try to do it yourself if you did not receive the proper training. Go to a professional groomer they have the knowledge and tools to safely do the work, and most important they know the grooming needs of your breed.
  • Do not leave scissors and sharp tools out in the reach of your dog. Cutting Matts out of your dog’s coat could be dangerous due to your lack of experience, a nervous puppy and one wrong movement could result in a grave injury. The best possible way to remove a mat is by using fingers, several different kinds of combs, some dog conditioner and most important thing a lot of patience and time.
  • Don not use or spray non-veterinarian –approved products and odors such as perfume. Dogs are very sensitive to scent than humans and most of these products contain dangerous elements. Sensitive dogs can have breathing problems from fragrances.
  • Bathing your dog outdoors in cool or cold temperature can lead to serious and dangerous drop in the temperature of the dog.
  • You should consult a veterinarian the moment you notice external objects in the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, or paw pads of your is important that you do not try to remove the objects your-self.
  • Your dog anal sacs should only be expressed by the vet or a professional groomer, this best for your dog, if you are so dedicated ask your groomer or vet to well train you for the procedure.
  • Combining regular grooming sessions visits with home grooming and hygiene, makes your dog’s teeth, mouth, ears, eyes, paws and coat clean, odor free and healthy. A clean, neat and healthy dog equals a happy partnership.