Tooth Brushing at Home
Dogs have special tooth brushes and tooth paste designed for them. Provide your dog with some chew toys for helping them get cleaner teeth. Clean your dog’s teeth frequently, some dogs balk at having their teeth brushed, rub their gums and teeth after doing that apply some dog tooth paste on your fingers and allow them to lick and sniff it in order to get them used to it .repeat the process with the tooth brush. You may need to pay a visit to the veterinarian as your dog gets older to have their teeth cleaned due to the tartar build up.
Anal Sacs at Home
Anal sacs are placed on each side of your dog’s anus. They are glands that project scent when your dog has a bowel movement, when you see your dog licking or scratching their anus and inspecting their rear, they may have impacted anal sacks. Do not do anything until you ask your veterinarian for advice on how to treat them.